Email is a primary way of communication in the present arena. We not only utilize it for our day to day work, but even to be in touch with our friends or family. Since numerous
of people around the world depend on the email, due to this email attacks have become one of the primary attack way used by the criminals. Therefore, we have come up with some email safety tips for Businesses, Employees & Users to be secure in the cyber world.
Top 10 Email Safety Tips & Tricks
1. Do not Open Unknown Emails
Many times, we get emails from unknown persons. That email can be from any hacker, which may contain some attachment or link to attack on your machine all your data. Therefore, it is recommended do not open unknown emails on whom you cannot trust. If it seems to be fishy then, probably it is. Then, just report the message as spam and simply move on.

2. Avoid Transfer of any Sensitive Information
When you just send a message to anyone then, you no longer have any control over what is done with it or even to whom it is further forwarded. The most common email scams service email messages as well as websites, which look official, but are attempts to take your identity to commit a fraud. It is known as Phishing. All the sensitive information like password, bank account details, etc. are never asked by any company via an email. If you get such phishing email then, Then you can take email security measures by reporting it.

3. Avoid to Open an Attachment within an Email
Emails contain an attachments, whenever you get any email message from any unknown. It can be dangerous as it may contain some spam message. Many times, attachments may comprise viruses, malware, ransomware, which may damage your machine. Simply drag that emails to your spam folder as part of email safety tip.

4. Never Reply or Click on links inside the Spam Emails
If we get any spam email and we reply to that mail or open the attached link. Then, it can give an alert to the sender that this email address is active and they will start sending more spam emails. Email safety tip : Instead of all these simply report the message as spam in a way to avoid in email attack.

5. Use Spam Filter
Spam filters support you to keep the spam emails from your account inbox or even flag spam emails. Depending on the configuration of some spam filters can eliminate junk mails automatically. Even you can block web bugs, which track your activity or system information as part of email safety measures .

6. Use Anti-Virus Software
It is extremely suggested that you install as well as maintain good or well-respected anti-virus software on your machine to prevent the infection before taking any email security measures. Simply scan all your email attachments with virus program before downloading. Even if you receive the attachment from someone you know.

7. Remember to Log Out/Sign Out
It is important to always log out from your email especially if you are using any public machine such as Internet café. After using your email, you simply close the browser. Then, anyone can access your email any time while using that. Therefore, to log out is one of the important Email Safety Tips. It is quick, easy, and even save your mail account from any unwanted trespassers.

8. Change your Password Frequently & Avoid sharing it with anyone
It is suggested to change your passwords at least after every 60 days, mainly if you view and manage your mail on any public system. Use the mix of letters as well as numbers, as passwords are really harder to break. The password must not be simple to guess, do create strong password. Along with this, never share it with anyone because anyone can misuse your crucial mails.

9. Avoid Unsolicited Bulk Email
Unsolicited bulk email can simply fill up all your mailbox and it becomes extremely frustrating. To evade such predicament- never give your email address to any sites that you do not trust. As part of Email Safety Tips, you can even avoid to post your emails address on public online portals like comment boards, message boards, etc.

10. Backup your Emails Instantly on your PC
Creating a backup of emails is important email security measures you can take to avoid any disastrous situation. If you have the backup of your emails then, you do not have to worry much to manage your data at a bad time. To create email data, numerous of software are available for emails such as – Gmail Backup , Hotmail Backup, Yahoo Backup, Office 365 Backup, Mail Backup, Outlook Backup, etc.